
Vehicle Collisions “Suck” 

Not only is your vehicle damaged, and potentially ruined, there can be a tremendous amount of stresses fear and anxiety

As if life isn't hard enough

Others don't fully understand...

Now you have to find a vehicle to drive, deal with insurance brokers, claim adjusters, and of course, an injury.

Life becomes more challenging after a vehicle collision. For some people, their lives take a turn for the worse.

 You maybe finding it difficult to focus and concentration.Or maybe you have a constant stabbing pain in your neck and back. 

Pain isn't the problem

 It's what it does to you. You may no longer feel like yourself. Your sleep is affected. You’re distracted at work (if you can still work).

Difficult to focus

 Can't concentrate? Maybe the pain from your injury is causing you to experience headaches, sciatica, numbness and tingling. 

Constant & nagging

The continuous aches and pains can. wear you down. It doesn't start out 'that bad', but slowly it beats you down.

50% of people

 Still Have Pain One Year Later!!

It is a big deal

This wouldn’t be a big deal if it went away… but it doesn’t. In fact, 

I’m not sure about you, but I don’t like those odds. It seems to be a flip of a coin to determine whether you have chronic pain, or recover from your injuries.

Your frustrated, and rightfully so. 

It’s not your fault

That is why  I want to show you how to stack the odds in your favour, and give yourself the best chance of making a full recovery, and not let this collision be a life changing event.

I will also be sharing with you the best strategies you can use to overcome your injuries, and get back to living life on your terms again.

But first, in order to recover we need to address what’s injured.

Injuries from a vehicle collision are typically classified as a whiplash associated disorder, commonly known as "whiplash".

What is whiplash?

When thinking of whiplash (WADs) picture Indiana Jone’s whip snapping. The tip of the whip quickly moves forward and then back creating a snapping noise. 

This is essentially what happens to your body in a vehicle collision. 

Remember, even with seemingly minor collisions with a small car, there is still 1000s of pounds of metal in movement colliding…this can cause quite a lot of problems.

Whiplash associated disorders (WADs) are a combination of different signs and symptoms that you experience after being involved in a motor vehicle collision.

This can include injuries to your head, neck, shoulders, chest, back, hips,  knees, ankles and jaw (TMJ). Symptoms may include pain, stiffness, reduced range of movement, headaches, dizziness, cognitive challenges, concussion like symptoms and more.

How bad is it?

Grading Whiplash Injuries

Grade 1

You have symptoms but there's no objective findings. For example, you may have some neck stiffness and soreness, but your range of motion is full and you have no neurological symptoms. When a health care provider does an exam on you, nothing seems to be wrong. 

These types of injuries often recover fully within just a couple of weeks to a month with the correct treatment.

Grade 2

it is when you have some type of limitation and symptoms. For example, reduced range of motion, pain, possibly concussion like symptoms as well such as difficulty concentrating, and headaches. 

The length of recovery for these types of injuries can vary from a couple of weeks to possibly over a year!

Grade 3

is when you have a neurological problem. For example, let's say your whiplash injury caused a disc herniation and now that's compressing a nerve and causing you to experience arm symptoms such as arm pain, weakness, and tingling. Neurological problems often mean it will take longer to recover.

This doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t improve (I’ve had many successful outcomes with people who have neurological involvement), it just means it's going to take longer. 

Grade 4

whiplash associated disorder is when there's some type of pathology, such as a fracture.

As you can imagine, the less severe injuries typically recover faster than the more severe injury. 

What Should You Do Now?

You know you need help, but with so many options available, its easy to quickly becomes confused. 

So let’s go through the pros and cons of each of your options!

These are the top 7 options to choose from after being in a vehicle collision: Medical doctor, physiotherapist, massage therapy, acupuncturist, nutritionalist, chiropractor, doing nothing and hoping (wishful thinking?) it gets better ‘on its own’.

Medical Doctor

Pros: Your family doctor is a critical part of your health care team. They are able to manage several health related problems, and when necessary they can refer you to a specialist.

Cons: When it comes to managing injuries such as whiplash, I’ve found most MDs will do two things: Give you pain medication, and refer to someone for more ‘hands on’ therapy, such as a physiotherapist, massage therapist or chiropractor. 

While pain control is very important in your recovery, I’ve found that some people on pain medication (especially opioids) for a prolonged period of time can end up developing several unwanted side effects. Most notably opioid induced hyperalgesia (OIH). 

This is a side effect where your body develops increased sensitivity. - where nearly every movement now becomes painful… This is NOT a place you want to be.

So while your family doctor certainly can be very helpful in your recovery, there are others that should be involved as well.


Pros: Pain relief. Often physiotherapists will use certain modalities, such as heat, TENs or IFC (Think a Dr.  Ho machine),  ice, etc to provide pain relief. They will (hopefully) also provide you with exercises to aid in your recovery.

Cons: You can simply purchase many of these modalities and use at home (more convenient) and whenever you like. Also, many of these modalities ‘feel good’, but for a brief period of time, and if solely relying on these methods, you likely won’t do well in the long term. These pain control devices are also typically not as effective as medication (however they do have less side effects, and there is minimal long term negative side effects for prolonged use…aside from not actually resolving the injury)

Some clinics will also provide guided exercise. However, once you know how to do the exercises and stretches on your own, there’s limited need for continuing the supervision, in my opinion.

Massage Therapy

Pros: there are several different types of massage. They range from a spa ‘gentle’ massage, stone, very deep tissue all the way to Thai massage.  Depending on where you are in your recovery, massage can be a very useful therapy to help you have less pain, and recover.

Cons: Massage therapists are as the title implies, therapists. Not that this is bad, but they do lack the training, and skills of a clinician to diagnose and fully manage your care. 

For example, I’ve had a handful of patient referrals from massage therapists who felt their back was just ‘very tight’. It turned out that while their back certainly was ‘tight’…The person was in need of immediate medical attention from a potentially serious condition. They needed a surgeon, not a massage!

While massage can (and often is) be very beneficial for recovery, it is certainly not all encompassing. 


Pros: A skilled acupuncturist is doing more than just using you as a pin cushion. Acupuncture can be very effective at pain management, relaxation, and helping aid the bodies natural healing response.

Cons: The obvious one is if you are scared or nervous about needles, this may not be for you.

While acupuncture has many benefits, typically passive care alone is not sufficient to fully recover from these types of injuries


Pros: Nutrition and food that we consume is immensely important for recovery. You are what you eat, after all.

Cons: Although addressing nutrition is important, I’ve found that with physical injuries, often times you will need more ‘hands on’ types of treatments as well as active care strategies for long term success. 

Highly skilled Chiropractor

Pros: Most importantly, a skilled chiropractor is a diagnostician first. They then select what the most likely effective therapies are to help you heal and recover.

This may include a ‘hands on’ approach with soft tissue therapies, muscle and joint mobilization or manipulation, coupled with a home exercise and stretching program.

They may also use various modalities and tools such as therapeutic tape, ultrasound, low level laser therapy, shockwave therapy and more.They should also address your nutritional status, as well as any ergonomic or movement patterns that need to be corrected.

A skilled chiropractor will also provide you with suggestions on other forms of therapy that will help you recover, as well as send you for advanced imaging such as x ray if required.

Cons: A ‘normal’ chiropractor may not be as skilled a diagnostician. I’ve often heard from patients that some chiropractors ‘do the same thing’ each visit, no matter what the problem may be that day. If you’ve never seen your chiropractor for longer than 3 minutes each time, you may consider finding one that is more holistic in their approach, and doesn’t ‘just crack’ your back.

Doing Nothing (aka. Wishful Thinking)

Pros:  You don’t have to do anything. That means no appointments. No traffic. No waiting in waiting rooms.

Cons: 50% of people injured in a vehicle collision still have pain 1 year later. I’ve seen countless patients after 5, 10, 30 years after being involved in a vehicle collision. They always tell me their ‘bad (insert body part)” has always been bothering them ever since being in a car crash. 

"I don't have time" & "Its not 'that bad'

Many people feel they “don't have the time” to get treatment.They aren't “that bad”. Maybe things will just go away on its own.

I understand, making appointments can be challenging, and time consuming and just annoying. I have 2 young kids, 2 dogs, a cat and a wife- I get it! Just getting out the front door is a monumental task.

Ask Yourself what is worse...

"time consuming" appointments, or a 50/50 chance of chronic problems for 10, 20, 30 years"

Honestly answer that question and your 30-years from now self will thank you!

So, Who Should You See?

At this point it should be clear that everyone plays a role in helping you, and giving you the best chance at making a full recovery.

If you had to choose only ONE provider to help, who should it be?

Someone who is:

  1. 1
    A diagnostician. Someone who can DIAGNOSE your problem, and provide you with the best treatment and advice to recover.
  2. 2
    A skilled diagnostician who is also providing you with therapies is able to more accurately advance you through your recovery process, as they are seeing the changes occur as they occur.
  3. 3
    Not a ‘one trick pony’. As discussed, recovering from whiplash injuries often times requires a multi-pronged approach. If you are only utilizing one therapy, your recovery may be delayed. 
  4. 4
    Someone who ‘plays nice’ with other health providers. The reality is that not ONE health care provider can provide all aspect your health care. Each provider brings a unique set of skills with them.

    There is overlap between providers, however there is a lane that each profession excels at managing. For example, nutritionists excel at a managing dietary related illnesses and conditions better than any other provider.
  5. 5
    Do they know how the insurance process works, and can they walk you through it? You should be focused on recovering! Not on paperwork and jumping through hoops.

There are many highly trained and skilled primary healthcare providers. The difficult part is make sure you find the right one for you

In my opinion, (and I think it is clear why this my opinion), no other health care provider can match up against a highly skilled and qualified chiropractor in helping you recover from the injuries of a motor vehicle collision. 

The Good News

The Highly Skilled & Qualified Chiropractor

Seeking out a skilled chiropractor will help you recover from your motor vehicle collision as quickly, and completely as possible. 

Effective Diagnosis and Treatment

Theses chiropractors are not a 'one trick pony'. They can skillfully diagnose your condition, and. provide a range of effective treatment options.

Will Refer and Co-Manage

They know their limitations and strengths. They 'play nice' with others and will refer you to the bests alternative option for you or 'co manage' your case if needed.

Help people just like you

 They are highly trained professionals who have made it their lives purpose to help people just like you get better, overcome your injuries, and get back to living your life. 

Free Injury Review

If you would like to take advantage of a Free Injury Review by a chiropractor who treats many patients suffering from WAD due to a vehicle collision:

Text MVA to (587) 604-6462, or

Call (587) 604-6462, leave a message with your name and number. 

Or Fill out the form.

In this review, I will set aside 15 minutes to talk to you about your case, and help you determine what steps you need to take to recuperate and recover.

This Free Injury Review includes a review of imaging studies, medical reports, and other documentation related to your collision. To get the most out of this Free Injury Review, we will need this information before your appointment. Fill the form, Call or text MVA to (587) 604-6462 today to get started on your path to start feeling better than ever before!
