

Optimize Your Health and Wellbeing!

By Dr. Joseph Tanti

By Dr. Joseph Tanti

November 17, 2023

 Are you looking to improve your overall health and wellbeing? If that's the case, I have just a solution for you on November 29th at three o'clock over at the Capilano Edmonton Public Library.  Myself, along with a bunch of others are putting on an event called...


Edmonton Public Library - Capilano

9915 67 St NW, Edmonton AB


3PM - 430PM IN-PERSON & Live Streamed 

 Seven Secrets to Optimal Health and Wellbeing

It is with myself, Dr. Joseph Tanti from Capilano Chiropractic, ReDiscover Psyc, Medican Pharmacy, and Healing Oasis.

Now I understand that. You may not be having any acute pain. Neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, any type of pain problems per se, or maybe you are, maybe you've tried a bunch of things and nothing seems to be helping you out,  or maybe you feel okay, but just not quite as good as you'd like to maybe kind of a little tired, a little slow, a little sluggish, just feeling low. Like not sore, I'm not pain, but I'm sore and aching step and just things aren't going your way.  That's the case you need to be there at the event. It's free of charge. It's going to be myself.  

There's going to be some psychologists.

There is going to be pharmacists and his assistant.  

There's going to be massage therapist, acupuncture provider.  

There's going to be myself, a Chiropractic orthopedic specialist.

We're going to be talking about the seven secrets to optimal health. And all being. Um, so if you are dealing with any pain issues or you're just looking for that extra edge , to improve your health and optimal wellness. , you need to be there.  ,

Topics we're going to be discussing, include

1) A  holistic approach to pain management 

2) Treating Arthritis without joint replacements.   

3) Medications. A tailored approach to your specific needs

4) Stress reduction for living a healthier life.  

5) How to stay Vital and Energetic You Age

6) A Comprehensive Approach to Your Wellness 

7) Empowering your Health 

 So you should certainly attend if you're looking for improving your health and wellbeing. Or if you are looking to solve any  pain problem, and it's just not getting solved. 

I am looking forward to seeing you there, November 29th, at the Capilano Edmonton Public Library

It is from 3Pm - 430PM.

90 minutes.

There's going to be several presenters.

Dr. Joseph Tanti (me), Wanda Grosse, Norman, Heather Shaw, Anna Rissanen and Rosalind.

It's going to be really compact into a short period of time, only 90 minutes. So we're going to be really right to the point. 

It's going to be action packed, going to give you tools, strategies, things you can implement right away to make significant impact on your health and wellbeing. There will be a lot of information, lot of prizes for you to take away as well. So you're not going to leave empty handed and it's going to be a lot of fun.

I'm hoping to make it a kind of entertaining, exciting, and energetic.

I'm really excited for this! I don't know if you could tell.

So if you want to be there, what I'd ask you to do is just let me know either fill out the form below,  or you can:

email me at [email protected] or call our office at 587-604-6462.

Just say you're interested in coming. There's obviously limited seats as sit is in person.  Right now there are 27 people registered.

I'm going to be streaming it as well. But you're going to get way more out of it in person. You're going to get some free stuff as well. So fill out the form, give us a call or send me an email and we'll register. .

Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th!

Claim Your Free Seat!
Limited In Person Seats Available 

Will also be live-streaming

Dr. Joseph Tanti

About the author

I am a husband, and father, love dogs AND cats, and I am a chiropractor. I help people recover from pain, and injuries and improve their overall health and well-being, and have fun doing it!

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